Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Gobble! Gobble!

We made a Yahtzee-like game called "Gobble! Gobble!" This is a great way to practice sight words! You need an old coffee creamer container...or any type of container that you can turn into a turkey and put dice in. The coffee mate containers are neat because they have a shape that lends itself to becoming a turkey! 

The body and feathers are just foam shapes, hot glued on to the container. (The label comes right off, and you'll have a nice clean container to work with.) 

On blank dice, write any six words you like. We chose sight words that are tricky for our kids right now: here, this, said, am, my, like. Then we have a "Full House" and "Gobble" spot on the score sheet.  To play, children take turns rolling the dice. On a single turn, you can roll the dice a total of three times. Choose what words to try to collect, and keep any dice that work towards that. Then roll again until all three rolls are taken. For example, I roll the dice, and I see that I have two "this" words. I put them aside, and roll three dice again. If I get more "this" words, I can add them to my total. I can roll one more time to see if I can get them all on "this." Then I write down my score.  Put a star for a Full House (two of one word and three of another). "Gobble" is what you say when you get all five dice on the same word!  You can put a star on your score sheet for that, too! The game is over when all categories are full. 

We're going to make a snowman next, so that we can continue this game into the holiday season!

We're On Target!

We're working on making meaningful learning targets that we can use with the kindergartners each day. So far, it's awesome! We made huge "targets" to put where the children can reach them. As part of the Morning Meeting, the boys and girls put the target skills for the day on the big target. There are three per day--one for reading, one for writing, and one for math. They are written to be easily understood by the children, but have the actual common core standard written underneath. When we post them in the morning, it sets up the learning for the day, and makes it so easy to refer back to the targets during the specific lessons!


Welcome to our blog! We're Kelley and Shannon, and we decided to start this blog to share some of the ideas and experiences that we have together while teaching Kindergarten. We have a lot of fun working together! We hope that you'll enjoy seeing some of the things that we've been up to.

We're in the process of building a Teachers Pay Teachers store, too! We opened the store at the end of October; tomorrow is actually our one-month anniversary! We have lots of plans for more freebies, along with more emergent readers, math games, and sight word games...we are learning lots along the way! In many ways, we're Learning All Day Long!